I do a weekly video on my Instagram called the Poetic MAD Minute, where we talk about what’s on the design pulse for today’s modern healthy home. I last spoke about where the principles of kitchen design is going.

Since the 1940’s we have been using the work triangle as a design principle to design kitchens. You know what I mean the refrigerator- sink- stove triangle where three functions in a kitchen (food storage, cooking & prep, and clean up) had to be within 4′-0″ – 9′-0″ of each other in order to result in the most efficient completion of cooking tasks.

Guess what? I think that work triangle is going away. The modern kitchen needs more touch points like a Homework /Work Zone, and a Breakfast or Snack Zone besides prepping/cooking, gathering and eating. My thought is that the “Work Triangle” is going to start to look more like a “Work Pentagon.” Taking on more functions in the kitchen will require the modern kitchen to rely on a new design principle. Above I show you one diagrammatic example but there can be various Penta- configurations based on each individual’s needs to design their own personalized modern kitchen space.

Catch me on Instagram, for my next Poetic MAD Minute on @michelealfanodesign!



Get in touch and let’s discuss today!


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